Choose Your Pinups
By NChans Studio
Sharing major informations on NChans contents (games, apps, videos, events). Follow us on social networks for additional informations.

♦1 - Vote for the Pinups you want to see for the Special Theme! [10 options]

The 5 most voted pinups will be selected for a special theme as final content for NChans Style. These pinups will wear unique suggestive outfits.

♦2 - Your Favorite Pinups Partner (Duo)

Vote for your favorite pair of pinups!

♦3 - Your Favorite Pinup Prime (5✦)

The faces of the company are here!

♦4 - Your Favorite NCHANS Theme from NChans Style

Here are the main appareances of the hostesses.

♦5 - Your Favorite Seasonal Theme from NChans Style

Pick your favorite themed outfits!

♦6 - Your Favorite Place related to the NChans

The place you like the most as background.

♦7 - Your Favorite Style Composition

Your personal taste when setting a style as wallpaper.

♦8 - The Pinups who doesn't having styles yet you want to see the most [3 options]

♦9 - What is the most interesting aspect of NChans Style?

♦10 - What you wished to see in NChans Style? [2 options]

♦11 - What third part product you would see about NChans Style? [2 options]

♦12 - Your Final Note about NChans Style [0 - bad | 10 - perfect]