Pinup Class and Search improvements
By NChans Studio
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Here is a quick news update on NChans Studio. You may have notice something new on the pinups profiles since a few days. Pinup Class is a new way to list and rank pinups. A class basically shows a pinup potential, from beginner to experimented. A novice pinup will tend to be rated 1 star, and the star rating depends on pinup prestige. This will be carried on apps and games like NChans Style and NChans Jump.

There are 5 classes that define a pinup: Prime (), Ace (), Great (), Nova () and Base (). Previous hostesses listed there (from Gen 1 to Gen 9) kept their ranking from before departude of the company.

As the website is displaying multiple hostesses profiles, we made a search page so users can easily find the characters they want. Today this page has been improved with fast loading and you can also search by Pinup Class there too. We are working to improve the seach page in the future.

If you have any suggestion, you can use our contact for to send us your ideas.

*Note: Attribution of stars and class names are not final and are subject to future changes. Also, the presentation on the profile may change in the future.